Sunday, February 17, 2019

Beef Caldereta

Once in a while, I like trying Filipino recipes. I hear things from my Filipino clients or sometimes they request me to cook Filipino food for them. The funny thing is I did not grow up on Filipino food. My parents made sure that my brother and I grew up sampling different types of food from different parts of the world just to make sure that we kept an open mind about food.

I must say that when I learned how to make Beef Caldereta years ago, it became one of my favorite dishes. It's basically a Philippine style beef stew with liver sauce, potatoes, olives, and bell peppers. It's not for everyone because of the liver sauce. It's the liver sauce that separates this dish from your typical beef stew. I was hesitant at first because I did not know how I would like liver sauce but after I tried it, it was actually delicious. It goes perfectly with steamed rice. I don't cook it as often as I would like but when I do, I just simply enjoy it.

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